恭喜 「🤺劍神」張家朗成功衛冕男子個人花劍金牌🥇
恭喜 「🤺劍神」張家朗成功衛冕男子個人花劍金牌🥇 以及「🏊🏻♀️女飛魚」何詩蓓勇奪200米自由泳銅牌🥉!為慶祝 🇭🇰香港於2024 巴黎奧運再增添一金一銅,Pizza Maru 同大家一齊慶祝港隊取得驕人成績🏆,今日 (7月30日)繼續 ,所有6件炸雞 免費升級至12件🍗!
繼續為港隊運動員加油打氣💪🏻 , #賀港隊 一齊分享加倍喜悅 🎊!
條款及細則:凡點選炸雞6件即免費升級至12件,並於落單時出示此帖文以享用優惠。優惠只限2024年7月30日並只適用於堂食。數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與會員優惠、現金券、其他優惠或折扣同時享用。如有任何爭議,Pizza Maru保留最終之決定權。
Huge Congratulations to Fencing King 🤺Edgar Cheung Ka Long defended Olympic title in men's foil with🥇Gold Medal and 🏊🏻♀️Siobhan Haughey wins bronze 🥉in 200m Freestyle at the 2024 Paris Olympics for Hong Kong🇭🇰. Pizza Maru continue to celebrate this tremendous achievement 🏆 with everyone by offering a FREE UPSIZE on all Fried Chickens on 30th July. Order 6 pieces, and you will receive 12 pieces of Fried Chicken. 🍗
Let's double the joy🎊 and continue rooting for Hong Kong Team!💪🏻 #GoTeamHongKong
T&C: Present this post to our staff when ordering to enjoy FREE UPSIZE to 12 pieces of Fried Chicken. Limited on 30th July 2024 for dine in only. Available until stock last. It cannot be used in conjunction with member offer, cash voucher, any other discounts or offer. Pizza Maru HK reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.