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Welcome to our Maru Pink Garden!!


為全力支持由香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫主辦的慈善義賣,Pizza Maru由即日至22年8月31日推出限定Maru粉紅花園 ,嚴選多款新鮮食材,高級明太子及爽口的蝦仁配合以天然食材著色的粉紅意粉。另外特別加入鮮艷食用花、車厘茄、酸甜柚子醬汁及忌廉芝士並最後曬上巴馬臣芝士粉。唔單止賣相吸引,味道鮮甜開胃,大家不可錯過。所有收益將不扣除成本全數屠捐出,絕對要相機食先以食支持慈善義賣活動。

Hello everyone!! Welcome to our Maru Pink Garden!!
Maru Pink Garden is now available at Pizza Maru until 31st Aug 2022 to support ‘PINK DESSERTS 2022 Charity Sale’. It's made from a variety of fresh ingredients such as fresh edible flowers, cherry tomatoes, rocket salad, premium quality mentaiko and juicy shrimps. The pink linguine, coloured by natural vegetable, dressed with our homemade ponzu sauce which enriches the flavour and mix perfectly with mentaiko cream cheese and parmesan cheese , it's a mix of amazing flavours not to be missed. All sales proceeds will be donated to THE REGISTRY. Let’s ‘camera eats first’ and support this meaningful charity sales.

#pizzamaruhongkong #pizzamarhk #chairtysaleshk #慈善義賣
#hkkoreanfood #香港韓國菜 #韓國菜 #hkfoodie #pizza #薄餅 #friedchicken #炸雞 #pasta #意粉 #beer #craftbeerhk #手工啤 #pinkdesserts2022 #asiabreastregistry #香港遺傳性乳癌家族資料庫 #支持遺傳性癌症患者 #所有收益將不扣除成本全數捐出

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